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编  号:103357-523
型  号:103357-523
SH-900 Series Bimetallic Superheat Steam Traps
Carbon Steel/Stainless Steel
For pressures to 900 psig (62 bar) . . .
Capacities to 11,000 lb/hr (4990 kg/hr)
SH-900 Series Superheat Steam Traps operate by the effect that rising temperature has on the thermostatic bimetallic elements.
At start-up, the valve is wide open, which allows a large volume of non-condensables and cold condensate to be removed from the system. When the system reaches steam temperature, the elements become sufficiently hot to pull on the trap’s valve stem, closing the valve.
The valve remains closed until the bimetallic elements cool, thus allowing the valve to crack open, vent the condensate and non-condensables, and then close again when steam temperature is reached.
The SH Series Superheat Steam Traps adjust automatically to changing conditions. Hot elements in the valve generate forces to offset rises in pressure.
地址:杭州市江干区池塘庙路25号2-2-101 电话:0571-88018688 / 85584478 传真:0571-85237175
手机:18106587722 / 13958095929 / 15669995929 邮箱:13958095929@163.com / ehozjb@163.com